Setting Up the Connection - BusinessWorks

To set up the connection

  1. Select Configure, and then select Accounting Connections from the menu bar. The Accounting Connections screen opens.
  2. Select New Accounting Connection from the toolbar. The Untitled - Accounting Connection screen opens displaying the Connection tab.
  3. Enter your store or location name in the Accounting Connection Name field.
  4. Select BusinessWorks from the Accounting Package droplist.
  5. Enter the path in the BW Directory field where the BWProg file folder is located.
  6. Enter the folder location path where the BWGAccess.exe file is located in the BW Access field, (e.g., C:\Sage\BWProg\BWGAccess.exe).
  7. Enter the BusinessWorks company code, user ID, and password.
  8. Enter the Sales Tax Sales Account number.
  9. Select the customer export format option, and then select the credit memo export format.
  10. If needed, select the Use insurance company if exists on workfile option.
  11. Select Yes or No from the Export Negative Supplements droplist.
  12. Select Open credit or Negative invoice from the Post Credit Memo As droplist.
  13. Select the Location tab to continue setting up the connection.

    - or -

    Click Save and Close from the toolbar. Your changes are saved and the Accounting Connection screen closes.

Note: Refer to the Sage BusinessWorks documentation to look up these values.


BusinessWorks™ - Accounting Connection

Screen Description

BusinessWorks - Connection Tab Screen







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